Diploma in Sports Massage (Blended format)

Course information - Download Application form
Course Prospectus - Download Prospectus

This course comprises one 60 credit module - an application form can be found above  

All eligible students will be accepted (*Over 18 at the time of course commencement)

The course is delivered online and at THE Centre, 33 The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AD and normally runs alongside the academic year. The mode of delivery is designed to meet your individual needs both in terms of time and flexibility. The minimum time period of study is 6 months from introductory webinar to the maximum registration period of two years from application. The two years includes the examinations and portfolio submission.  Successful completion of this module results in the award SPS Diploma in Sports Massage.  

The programme includes all the core elements required by membership bodies - see prospectus -and gives all course participants access to help & support in setting up their own practices.  Support to students is easily accessible throughout the period of study and after successful completion as an essential part of continued professional development (CPD).

Successful completion of this module allows autonomous practice and access to a variety of CPD courses - advanced soft tissue skills, Dry Needling & 'others'.


£2,000.00 incl VAT (10% discount when paid in full £1,800.00).  You can pay the Deposit via our website, alternatively send a cheque for £800 with the application to SPS Ltd, 33 The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AD and pay the balance in 4 instalments or use a credit card (phone the office 02920489999) or pay by BACS -Sports Performance Services Ltd, Sortcode 52-21-07, Account 22446699 use your name as the reference.

Course Dates:


Dates tbc



Pay in Full:
