6 - of the best!
Don’t rely on the roll of a dice!
Are you leaving things to chance? Why not start as you mean to go on? Pick a number, “6” is as good as any other, then use it to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints? Yes a SWOC is a great way of helping you plan, develop and reflect…
Here is a taste of my 2022 SWOC:
Strengths - experience, wide knowledge base, good listener, supportive, enjoy educating and guiding people
Weaknesses - Under value myself, self deprecating, try to help everyone, too trusting, don’t always recharge my own batteries! and I forget i’m not a youngster..
Opportunities - New redeveloped working premises, never too late to learn something new, now that face to face teaching is allowed again its time to revisit the education pathways SPS offers, to better look after myself so that I can guide others, integrate a range of therapy, health & fitness modalities to meet more people’s needs and a chance to ‘see’ people not problems……
Constraints - Only one of me, time, finding like minded people to work with, economy, finance and personal responsibilities…..
How are you addressing your future plans and prospects? This blog post is short and sweet as I take time to reflect, give time to those people and circumstances that require my attention and generally recharge a little…
I will be making some big changes in 2022 so watch this space and take some time to direct your own energy in the right direction.
I will be doing a monthly Massage Monday session to visit/revisit areas and discuss skills, their interaction and answer questions concerning assessment, screening and who to network/collaborate with when the need arises. Why not join us?
If you need help and support a friendly ear or just to know you are not alone then contact us. admin@spslearn.co.uk Stronger together, more insight through shared experience and a collective desire to improve the health & well being of our clients, family & friends. Not forgetting your own mental & physical wellbeing.
If you need any further help, support or guidance then contact us to arrange a One to One or attend a course in advanced soft tissue skills, assessment or agree a bespoke education programme to meet your needs as we return to studies, education & training at THE Centre. There will be many opportunities in the next few months in the run up to our re-opening our premises. Follow on Twitter & Instagram