4 - You, Me & time for........?


What are you making time for this Autumn?

It isn’t always easy to ‘fit in’ everything you want to achieve, whether those are personal desires and goals or professional wish lists that involve furthering your education…..

Planning your time can be as much of a challenge as planning a major event like a wedding or moving house!

I am making time for personal study. Revisiting areas of interest and ‘best practice’ is good for the soul! Why? Because nothing stands still. New research is being published all the time and interventions are constantly being ‘tweaked’ to take into account a better understanding of the effects we may be having on our clients and patients.

Keeping abreast of the changes and ensuring your understanding is up to date gives you confidence. I am always amazed how good therapists fail to give themselves a pat on the back from time to time. You have studied, worked hard and give a great service to your clients; celebrate it. When doubt next creeps in give yourself time to revisit the area of concern so that you can develop, reflect and gain confidence in your skill set.

I am constantly aware that therapists have little time to chat, interact and collaborate with others to reassure and cement their good practice and in turn boost their confidence. The interaction of skills is also an area of concern to some therapists and the ‘pure’ skill experience is great but how does it interact with another skill I have gained?

I will be doing a monthly Massage Monday session to visit/revisit areas and discuss skills, their interaction and answer questions concerning assessment, screening and who to network/collaborate with when the need arises. Why not join us?

If you need help and support a friendly ear or just to know you are not alone then contact us. admin@spslearn.co.uk Stronger together, more insight through shared experience and a collective desire to improve the health & well being of our clients, family & friends. Not forgetting your own mental & physical wellbeing.

If you need any further help, support or guidance then contact us to arrange a One to One or attend a course in advanced soft tissue skills, assessment or agree a bespoke education programme to meet your needs as we return to studies, education & training at THE Centre. There will be many opportunities in the next few months in the run up to our re-opening our premises. Follow on Twitter & Instagram

Viv Lancey