Z - Zero to........


Nought to 30, 60, 90……..how fast are you going to get going once the lockdown is lifted?

It would be very easy to attempt to go back to ‘full time’ on ‘full throttle’, however, what would the consequences of an all or nothing restart be?

When we look at where we are at the moment, it would be easy to lapse into old habits and to push the past year, 15 months into the back of our minds. Yet we have come so far and learnt so much. To be the “Hero” on returning to practice would be to learn from the Covid-19 experience and adjust our practice to be more efficient, effective and kind to ourselves.

While many of you will have become bored during lockdown, others will have used the time to adjust the work life balance. Working smarter not harder will in the longterm bring greater reward. Not all rewards are financial, health & wellbeing are at the centre of our and our clients happiness.

One consequence of returning to 100 miles per hour will be fatigue, frustration and a quick route to overload and burnout. You may be suffering yourself from the affects of Long Covid? We will take many months if not years to understand the best route to rehabilitation and return to ‘normal’ health. You may be dealing with clients who have lingering affects of Covid-19 and your ‘Joie de vivre’ is almost too much , too full on and as a result instead of giving the client a lift, actually exhausts them!

Let us consider a nice steady acceleration back to practice, keeping the speed within normal limits. Only moving to full throttle for short periods and then dropping back to a manageable work life balance.

SPS Ltd has made enormous adjustments, which continue, to ensure our very existence once lockdown is lifted. If you need help and support a friendly ear or just to know you are not alone in experiencing anxiety at the thought of returning to practice then contact us. admin@spslearn.co.uk Stronger together, more insight through shared experience and a collective desire to improve the health & well being of our clients, family & friends. Not forgetting your own mental & physical wellbeing.

If you need any further help, support or guidance then contact us to arrange a One to One or attend a course in advanced soft tissue skills, assessment or agree a bespoke education programme to meet your needs as we return to studies, education & training.

Viv Lancey